Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Sorry everyone

Before I start telling you what's been going on in the last month or so, I wanted to say sorry I haven't blogged in so long. I can't really have the excuse of being too busy because to be frank I haven't. So from know on I have made a pact with myself to blog every week or so.

Now Dad came home for a couple of days two weeks ago, we were all really pleased that he had come home for good, or so we thought. He had to go back in as the hospital did a boo boo. They took a biopsy knowing that they wouldn't get the results back until a few days later. This was fustrating as it was taken the day Dad was coming out so if something was up they had to bring him back in. And as you have probably all guessed something came up, so he went back in.

Yesterday Dad came out for real, and this time we think, and hope he is here to stay. Even though we love having Dad home, it's quite weird to get used to as it's been so long that we were all here together.

I have to say it's great having Dad back. I still can't get over the fact that he still has to show us his belly, and tubes, while sitting on the sofa. He did this numerous times yesterday, but I decided just to let is go as I was happy just to have him back.

It could be luck as well, he came out just in time for Chanuka which is really good as he can watch us light the Chanukia, and open the presents. And of course he is home for the holidays which is all I could ever wish for.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Oli's blog

As Mum hasn't been home very much she can't make us dinner, so as you probably already know, people have been making us dinner each evening. Tonight my friend Oli's Mum came to deliver the food, and it was really nice, and she told me that  Oli said I needed to write more and my blogs are boring - thanks Ollie!!

It was quite hard to think what to write as I don't go up to see Dad everyday so I can't give you an update. 

I have realised how quiet the house it without Dad around as Aaron, Lauren and I are trying to be nice to each other to make sure we don't wind Mum up. And to be honest me and Lauren haven't got into any major fights, I mean we have a few here and there but none that really last for ages. We are getting on so well infact that I decided to make a technology project for her.  Well actually the only reason I made it for her was because it was a small light and she likes one in her room. She was grateful for the gift, so I suppose that is a start.  Mum just wants me to add that apparently Lauren and I are still fighting a lot and how irritated she gets with us!!

I had a rugby game on Monday and as you could probaly guess knowing my school we lost. We did play last week though and only lost by one try, but this time it was a lot worse. I played flanker which I suppose Oli would say, "This is a perfect position for you, you can really show how good you are doing it." Well I think I played well even though I only played for half the match.

When the first half drew to a close it was already 30-0 to them. He took a few of us of, including me and let the subs have a go, and thats when we lost by a massive amount.   I am actually too embarassed to say the final score, all you need to know is that we didn't score one try. 

I guess Dad will say, 'I bet you played really well though,' like he always does. I know that we all played rubbishly and we hope, when we play next week, that we will not get so embarrasingly smashed.  To be fair they were like twice the size of us though, but like they say, NO EXCUSES!!!!


Saturday, 19 November 2011


I know I haven't  done a blog for quite a while, but last week I forgot to once  we got home.

Well I have to say that last week he looked so much better he was talking to us, even if he was a bit tired after. He also had moved room as there wasn't a heart monitor in his old one, its a bit smaller but it doesn't really matter as there is nothing really you can do in the room, except to watch TV, anyway.

Unfortunately I didn't get to see Dad today, I had a bit of a sniffle, so I went to my mates house. I was really upset when Mum said I couldn't go to  Dad but then I realized that its better for him if I don't go up as Dads immune system is so low that if he gets a cold it would be like 10 times worse.    

I am really looking forward to seeing Dad next week, Mum said that she may take me and Lauren out of school to see him, as she had a cold as well, so lucky us. At least I heard that Dad was doing really well today so at least thats a good sign.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Dad again

So I went up to see Dad again yesterday, and i have to say he looks way better than he did last week, he was talking more and he didn't look as tired, I felt really glad when we were talking to Dad as it made a change from just sitting there with him, but all the same I love seeing my Dad its the highlight to the week. 

We saw the surgeon this time, he seemed really nice, he just came in to check on Dad and everything seemed to be working fine so we were happy to hear that.

Again i was sad to leave Dad as I hate leaving him there without him coming with us home. Hopefully he will be able to come home by chrismas though, thats what we are hoping, so fingers crossed he will be well enough.

Aaron, Mum and I went to a fireworks display later with our friends, I really didn't want to go as I love my Saturday evening, but you know what, I actually enjoyed it, surprisingly.

Today I got a lovely BBM which I really wasn't expecting, it was from Dad. I was at my horse riding stables mucking out a stable when my pocket vibrated. I took a break to read it, even though it wasn't a very long message at least Dad is know using his phone so we can contact him. the message was, 'Luv u darling,' so I replyed, 'luv u 2 Dad.' So thats it, but at least we are staying in contact.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Second time seeing Dad

Well we saw Dad again yesterday but he had moved rooms, it was too noisy where he was before so they moved him to a more quite place. I didn't see the difference but if he did then that's what matters. 
He had a different nurse than he did last time, he said that she was nice, but when she came in it looked like she was in a bit of a grouch. 
Dad looked way better than he did the other day, he didn't have as many tubes on him as he did, so that helped in a way. 

While Mum, Aaron and Lauren went to his flat to get him some food, Dad and I watched the rugby (England vs Wales), I love spending time with my Dad just us two, not because I don't do it often but because we can actually talk about things we both like, like rugby or other sports. It's different when I speak to Aaron, as we don't know what to say because we don't have many things in common. 

When we left it made me realise just how much I missed my Dad, I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't stay the night either. 

I am looking foward to seeing Dad again and I hope that it is soon as I do miss him so much. The house is quite without him and so is his favourite seat on the couch.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Annoying news

Sunday evening:  Well Mum hasn't gone up to Dad everyday, but I suppose its too hard when Aaron, Lauren and I are around, so I guess she's going to go once we're at school this coming week.
Mum told us, while we were having breakfast on Friday morning, that she was going to stay up with dad for one night so she doesn't have to keep going back and forth from the hospital.  

I feel really annoyed with this news, I have only been home for a bit over a week and I have to go back to my friends house. I'm not saying I dont like staying at my friend's house and having the double bed, but I just want to stay home and get back to my normal routine. Hopefully Mum won't stay again at Dads, but if he really need her, then I suppose I will have to cope. 

I've been back at school from the half term hols and I thought I was going to really hate this long 8 weeek half term but it actually started out pretty well. Mum told my teacher about Dad being in hospital so they are all nicer to me and its good to see my friends that I haven't seen in 10 days.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Today Mum went up to see Dad, while I was paintballing with a few friends. Mum goes up everyday but today when she came back she said that Dad has quite a few infections going on in his body. 
When we went on Tuesday he had an infection but the nurses said it was only part of the recovery course. So I'm hoping that its the same story with all the other infections he's got. 
I feel really bad, Dad was in pain today while I was having the best time shooting people all over. Although I did get shot quite a few times so the people I hurt paid me back.

I hope that I am going to see Dad again very soon and that he will be a bit better and all the infections have gone, so he'll feel a bit better as well.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

First time seeing Dad

Today  Mum decided to take us up to the hospital to see Dad for the first time since his op. I haven't been counting, but, I'm pretty sure about 15 people each day have been asking me how he is. Some times it gets really annoying, so I decide to have a little fun. I told one person that he is doing better than he was, but had a bad day yesterday. I told another person that he is doing really well and is on the road to recovery. Its quite fun to mess with people that way.

Hopefully if I tell you how he is doing now I won't get as many questions, so I wont have to mess with people's brains! 

He looked quite well, considering he was awake and had just had a major operation. He seemed really glad to see us all, even though he was very tired and didn't talk much. 

I felt so happy inside when we went into his private room, I hadn't seen my dad in over a week, and I wanted to see how he was doing. 

His nurses are very nice and friendly, they talk a lot, which I suppose is good and they seem to really, really care about my daddy, which I am happy to see.  I felt a bit sad though, when I saw him with all the tubes coming out from his nose and tummy. But if they help him get better than I dont care how he looks.

I wasn't happy to leave, but we had to as Dad was getting very tired. We left as the nurse was getting him ready to get back ito bed. I was upset to leave my Dad knowing he wont be there to give me a bedtime kiss, but I knew that I would definitely see him again - hopefully soon.


First blog

So my Daddy went into hospital last week, but I have to say I think its been going quite good. I had no idea that dad went into hospital that morning when I woke up. Mum phoned Aaron and woke him up in the morning to tell him that they'd gone to Oxford. He apparently then came into my room, whispered 'hey Nathan, Dad's gone into hospital' and I replied 'Ok then' and flopped back to sleep!!  The day started out a bit weird, as Mum and dad weren't there, but they said my Uncle would be there to pick us up, so we got dressed and waited for him.  My Uncle picked us up from home, of course he had to have his dubstep music blaring out his window. 

The day passed and so did the next week, I heard from mum everyday when I stayed at my friend's house. I even got a very short video message from Dad on the second day. I loved staying at my friends house! First of all, I had my own room with a double bed, its so cool, you fall alseep on one side of the bed, then wake up on the other. His parents made me feel so welcome at their house, even if we did get served broccoli every dinner time.  My friend has a double bed as well, but I don't see why he does, he curls up in one tiny corner of the bed and stays in that same position the whole night. I think if you have a double bed, make the most of it (don't just curl in one corner)!   

When Mum came home this Saturday I didn't get to see much of her. I already had arrangements with my friend's family, which was fine (lots of food!)but all I really wanted to do was go home. My friend and I left in the middle of a boring game of scrabble. I was glad to see Mum, and I think, well I hope, she was glad to see me too.

So now I am at home, sleeping in my own lovely (small) bed.