Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Oli's blog

As Mum hasn't been home very much she can't make us dinner, so as you probably already know, people have been making us dinner each evening. Tonight my friend Oli's Mum came to deliver the food, and it was really nice, and she told me that  Oli said I needed to write more and my blogs are boring - thanks Ollie!!

It was quite hard to think what to write as I don't go up to see Dad everyday so I can't give you an update. 

I have realised how quiet the house it without Dad around as Aaron, Lauren and I are trying to be nice to each other to make sure we don't wind Mum up. And to be honest me and Lauren haven't got into any major fights, I mean we have a few here and there but none that really last for ages. We are getting on so well infact that I decided to make a technology project for her.  Well actually the only reason I made it for her was because it was a small light and she likes one in her room. She was grateful for the gift, so I suppose that is a start.  Mum just wants me to add that apparently Lauren and I are still fighting a lot and how irritated she gets with us!!

I had a rugby game on Monday and as you could probaly guess knowing my school we lost. We did play last week though and only lost by one try, but this time it was a lot worse. I played flanker which I suppose Oli would say, "This is a perfect position for you, you can really show how good you are doing it." Well I think I played well even though I only played for half the match.

When the first half drew to a close it was already 30-0 to them. He took a few of us of, including me and let the subs have a go, and thats when we lost by a massive amount.   I am actually too embarassed to say the final score, all you need to know is that we didn't score one try. 

I guess Dad will say, 'I bet you played really well though,' like he always does. I know that we all played rubbishly and we hope, when we play next week, that we will not get so embarrasingly smashed.  To be fair they were like twice the size of us though, but like they say, NO EXCUSES!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Mum was lying I never said they were boring! I just said they were infrequent! Still, thanks 4 writing. Oh and by the way, flanker is a perfect position for you, you can really show how good you are doing it. Keep blogging safe in the knowledge that I do not think that ur blogs are boring. Oli
