Tuesday 18 October 2011

First time seeing Dad

Today  Mum decided to take us up to the hospital to see Dad for the first time since his op. I haven't been counting, but, I'm pretty sure about 15 people each day have been asking me how he is. Some times it gets really annoying, so I decide to have a little fun. I told one person that he is doing better than he was, but had a bad day yesterday. I told another person that he is doing really well and is on the road to recovery. Its quite fun to mess with people that way.

Hopefully if I tell you how he is doing now I won't get as many questions, so I wont have to mess with people's brains! 

He looked quite well, considering he was awake and had just had a major operation. He seemed really glad to see us all, even though he was very tired and didn't talk much. 

I felt so happy inside when we went into his private room, I hadn't seen my dad in over a week, and I wanted to see how he was doing. 

His nurses are very nice and friendly, they talk a lot, which I suppose is good and they seem to really, really care about my daddy, which I am happy to see.  I felt a bit sad though, when I saw him with all the tubes coming out from his nose and tummy. But if they help him get better than I dont care how he looks.

I wasn't happy to leave, but we had to as Dad was getting very tired. We left as the nurse was getting him ready to get back ito bed. I was upset to leave my Dad knowing he wont be there to give me a bedtime kiss, but I knew that I would definitely see him again - hopefully soon.


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