Before I start telling you what's been going on in the last month or so, I wanted to say sorry I haven't blogged in so long. I can't really have the excuse of being too busy because to be frank I haven't. So from know on I have made a pact with myself to blog every week or so.
Now Dad came home for a couple of days two weeks ago, we were all really pleased that he had come home for good, or so we thought. He had to go back in as the hospital did a boo boo. They took a biopsy knowing that they wouldn't get the results back until a few days later. This was fustrating as it was taken the day Dad was coming out so if something was up they had to bring him back in. And as you have probably all guessed something came up, so he went back in.
Yesterday Dad came out for real, and this time we think, and hope he is here to stay. Even though we love having Dad home, it's quite weird to get used to as it's been so long that we were all here together.
I have to say it's great having Dad back. I still can't get over the fact that he still has to show us his belly, and tubes, while sitting on the sofa. He did this numerous times yesterday, but I decided just to let is go as I was happy just to have him back.
It could be luck as well, he came out just in time for Chanuka which is really good as he can watch us light the Chanukia, and open the presents. And of course he is home for the holidays which is all I could ever wish for.